Become A Clean Air School
The IQAir Clean Air Schools program helps you protect students, teachers, and staff from viruses like SARS-CoV-2 and poor air quality in classrooms and school facilities.
Healthy Schools – Healthy Students
Today, it’s more important than ever to have clean air throughout your school facility to help protect the health and safety of everyone at the school site.
The IQAir Clean Air Facility program helps you achieve cleaner air throughout your school facilities. IQAir high-efficiency Panel filtration technology achieves high efficiency in both filtration and energy use beyond typical MERV 13 requirements.
HyperHEPA Filtration Excellence
The Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) system is a common shorthand for assessing how effectively air filters can capture airborne particles. Most schools are only required to reach MERV 13 filtration efficiency. But IQAir NanoMax filters provides HyperHEPA filtration technology, which surpasses MERV 16 standards with only the pressure drop of MERV 8 filters.
MERV 13 only filters about 50% of ultrafine particles (UFPs), including airborne viruses. IQAir high-efficiency panel filters remove up to 95% of UFPs like viruses as well as other harmful indoor air pollutants like particulate matter.
MERV 13 systems must also be operated around the clock with 100% ventilation, consuming large amounts of energy and reducing energy efficiency. IQAir high-efficiency panel filtration features high efficiency and low filter pressure drops to reduce strain on your energy systems – you’ll no longer need to run your filtration systems 24/7, helping you accomplish both health and sustainability goals.
Why IQAir Clean Air Schools?
Our mission is to empower the world to breathe cleaner air – helping make schools safer and cleaner is crucial to that mission, as schools are now reopening during one of the greatest public health crises of our generation.
With IQAir Clean Air Schools, our Air Quality Experts help you engineer every element of your school for optimal air quality. Once your school meets strict air quality standards, you can display a prominent placard as proof to every student, teacher, parent, and administrator that they’ll breathe cleaner, safer air in your school.
What’s included in Clean Air Schools?
Our air quality expertise comes from experience. From founding the modern air filtration industry in 1963 to leading today’s air quality data revolution with AirVisual, IQAir has remained at the forefront of air quality solutions for over 55 years – including helping stop the spread of SARS-COV-1 in 2003 and SARS-COV-2 currently with our air HyperHEPA filtration technology.
Our services include:
On-Site Air Quality Evaluations
Installation Services
Air Quality Verification and Monitoring
Customized Clean Air Solutions
Maintenance and Renewal