
How to change notifications on AirVisual App?

The AirVisual App allows you to change settings for both daily notifications and threshold notifications. In this way, you can never miss any change of air quality index that you care about.

To change daily notifications:

Receive a daily update on your favorite location, without having to lift a finger.

You can find the setting icon on the top right side of your "My Air" page. Click on the icon, and then scroll down the menu page, you can find notifications setting. Click on daily notifications, here you can choose whether to receive a daily notification or not. In the case of receiving daily notifications, you are also allowed to select the exact time and source of notifications.

To change threshold notifications:

Find the setting icon on the top right side of your "My Air" page. Click on the icon, and then scroll down the settings menu > Notifications setting > Threshold notifications. Here, you can choose to receive or not to receive alerts for cities, stations, and devices. Alert sources and exact threshold can also be freely managed.

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