
The Importance of HEPA Filters in Air Purifiers

What is a HEPA Filter?

HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filters consist of densely packed material designed to maximize airflow. They are outstandingly adept at capturing tiny pollutants, including smoke, viruses, and bacteria. For years, HEPA filters have played a pivotal role in air purifiers, securing better indoor air quality and ensuring the health of inhabitants.

Yet, IQAir's HyperHEPA filtration now offers an even more advanced solution. Present in IQAir's HealthPro Plus air purifier, HyperHEPA technology captures particles as small as 0.003 microns, going far beyond the capabilities of traditional HEPA filters.

How do HEPA Filters Work?

HEPA filters employ three primary mechanisms to trap particles as air flows through the filter:

  • Interception: Larger particles get intercepted by thick threads.
  • Impaction: Medium-sized particles undergo impaction when they collide with filter fibers.
  • Diffusion: The smallest particles, after colliding with gas molecules, change direction and eventually stick to the filter fibers.

Despite their impressive capture rate, it's important to note that HEPA filters require regular maintenance and proper use to sustain their effectiveness.

True HEPA filters are very efficient, collecting particles as fine as 0.3 microns with a 99.97% or higher efficiency. They are prized for their ability to eliminate common allergens, pollen, pet dander, mold spores, smoke particles, viruses, and bacteria.

Benefits of Using HEPA Air Purifiers

HEPA filters are renowned for significantly improving indoor air quality. Their dense fiber structure allows them to capture a wide range of contaminants. From common allergens like pollen, pet hair, and mold spores to minute smoke particles and bacteria, HEPA filters effectively purify the air.

Do HEPA air purifiers help with smoke?

Smoke, in particular, presents a challenge in many indoor environments. Whether emanating from tobacco, cooking, or wildfires, these tiny particles can easily linger indoors, compromising air quality and posing health risks. The unique design of HEPA filters enables them to capture smoke particles as fine as 0.3 microns, effectively minimizing their presence inside homes and buildings. This is particularly beneficial for individuals with allergies, asthma, or other respiratory sensitivities, as exposure to smoke can exacerbate their symptoms.

Moreover, HEPA-filtered air purifiers are efficient at removing viruses, such as influenza, rhinovirus, and coronavirus, from the air. By capturing particles as small as 0.3 microns with a 99.97% efficiency rate, they play a pivotal role in curbing the spread of airborne infections and enhancing overall well-being in places like homes, offices, and medical facilities.

IQAir’s HealthPro Series air purifiers feature HyperHEPA particle filters. These are 100 times more efficient than HEPA filters, capable of filtering down to 0.003 microns. They are generally understood to be the gold standard for air purification technology.

Do HEPA air purifiers help with viruses?

HEPA-filtered air purifiers stand out in their efficiency and effectiveness in removing viruses from the air. Thanks to their ability to capture particles as small as 0.3 microns 99.97% of the time, they can efficiently trap many forms of viruses, including influenza, rhinovirus, and coronavirus. This makes them especially vital in places like homes, businesses, schools, and hospitals, where the spread of viruses can be a significant concern.

Moreover, HEPA filters play a crucial role in preventing the spread of airborne infections and controlling those that do emerge. They are excellent at eliminating hazardous particles from the air, leading to a considerable improvement in indoor air quality and a reduction in health risks. Whether it's germs, bacteria, allergens, or common asthma triggers, HEPA filters stand as an essential tool in air purification.

IQAir’s patented HyperHEPA air purifiers are even more efficient than true HEPA air purifiers. HyperHEPA air purifiers are proven to filter 99.5% of particles down to 0.003 microns. This is 100 times smaller than particles filtered by HEPA filtration.
However, it's paramount to remember that while HEPA air purifiers are highly efficient, they aren't a foolproof defense against viruses on their own. It's crucial to use them as part of a comprehensive strategy, which includes frequent hand washing, ensuring proper ventilation, and following established protocols to control infectious diseases' spread.

How should HEPA filters be maintained?

Proper maintenance is necessary to keep HEPA filters working effectively to capture smoke, viruses, and bacteria. To clear the filter of collected dust and debris, regular cleaning is essential. If the HEPA filter must be replaced or washed, consult the manufacturer's recommendations. If it is washable, clean it as instructed and make sure it is totally dry before reinstalling it.

If the HEPA filter cannot be washed, it should be changed in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. HEPA filters should typically be changed every one to two years, but this can change based on usage and air quality.

Pre-filters for bigger particles are also included in certain air purifiers. As advised by the manufacturer, these pre-filters need to be cleaned or replaced on a regular basis. Pre-filters should be maintained properly to lessen the load on the HEPA filter and increase its lifespan.

Monitoring the filter's functioning and condition on a regular basis is also crucial. It could be time to clean or replace the HEPA filter if the filter looks to be broken, is very dusty, or if the air purification performance noticeably decreases.

The efficiency of HEPA filters in catching smoke, viruses, and germs can be ensured by adhering to these maintenance requirements and the manufacturer's instructions, giving a cleaner and healthier indoor air quality.

How long does a HEPA filter last?

HEPA filters' lifespans depend on usage, air quality, maintenance, and filter quality. HEPA filters last one to two years if properly maintained. HEPA filter life depends on air purifier usage frequency. If the air purifier runs often and for extended durations, the filter may need to be changed more often.

Pollutants and airborne particles in the immediate surroundings may also affect the filter's lifespan. If the air quality is poor or has many particles, the filter may clog faster and need to be replaced more often. Routine maintenance may potentially shorten a HEPA filter's lifespan. This involves cleaning or replacing pre-filters to make the HEPA filter work less and survive longer. With appropriate maintenance, the filter will last longer and work better.

The quality of the HEPA filter is crucial. Comparatively, higher-quality filters may last longer and be more durable. Check the manufacturer's instructions for your air purifier and HEPA filter. According to the product's specifications, the producer will advise on the filter's lifespan and replacement.

By following the manufacturer's recommendations, checking the filter's condition, and replacing it as needed, you may ensure efficient air purification and filtering.

HyperHEPA vs. HEPA filters

Standard HEPA filters have been trusted for years to collect even the tiniest particles, ensuring our living spaces are free from pollutants, allergens, and harmful microorganisms. However, IQAir's HyperHEPA filtration is redefining the industry standards. This advanced filtration technology captures particles as minuscule as 0.003 microns, a staggering 100 times smaller than what traditional HEPA filters can manage.

Why does HyperHEPA filtration stand out?

At the heart of IQAir's HealthPro Plus lies the HyperHEPA filtration technology. Unlike regular HEPA filters, which claim to trap particles as small as 0.3 microns with 99.97% efficiency, HyperHEPA goes beyond, ensnaring pollutants down to 0.003 microns. This makes it uniquely effective against ultrafine particles that could pose severe health risks, including some viruses.

To put this into perspective, ultrafine particles are ubiquitous, originating from various sources like vehicle exhausts, industrial processes, and even natural phenomena. While they're invisible to the naked eye, their impact on health can be profound. Thanks to HyperHEPA's unmatched precision, these threats are significantly minimized.

The HealthPro Plus Advantage

With its flagship product, HealthPro Plus, IQAir ensures that consumers get the absolute best in terms of air purification. The device not only boasts the HyperHEPA filter but also integrates seamlessly into homes, offices, or any indoor space, safeguarding inhabitants from potential airborne dangers.

Furthermore, IQAir's HealthPro Plus with HyperHEPA filtration doesn't just stop at capturing these ultrafine particles. It holds onto them, preventing them from re-entering the ambient environment. This comprehensive protection ensures that you breathe only the cleanest and healthiest air.

Elevating Air Purification: The Future with HyperHEPA Filtration

In an era where clean air is not just a luxury but a necessity, the benchmark for air purification continually shifts upwards. IQAir’s HyperHEPA filtration technology, featured in the HealthPro Plus air purifier, embodies this next step in air purification. Not only does it trap the minutest of particles, but it also ensures they don't make their way back into our breathing space.

As we confront increasing environmental challenges, investing in groundbreaking technologies like HyperHEPA can be our best defense, promising cleaner, safer air for all.


Air quality is of paramount importance in ensuring a healthy living and working environment. HEPA filters have long stood as a trusted ally in this quest, efficiently removing harmful particles and pollutants. But as with all technology, innovation paves the way for advancements. IQAir's HyperHEPA filtration technology sets a new gold standard, offering a level of purification unmatched by traditional HEPA filters.

With their ability to capture particles as minuscule as 0.003 microns, HyperHEPA air purifiers ensure an even cleaner and safer atmosphere. Investing in such groundbreaking technology not only promotes better health but also underscores a commitment to staying ahead in the dynamic realm of air purification. As environmental challenges amplify, aligning with superior solutions like HyperHEPA isn't just a choice—it's a necessity for a cleaner, fresher tomorrow.

The number one air cleaning solution for your home.

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